
Collecting rainwater

La mayoría de las plantas de jardín y balcón dependen de un riego adicional durante los calurosos y secos meses de verano. Muchas verduras, flores anuales de verano y plantas nuevas tienen raíces delicadas que crecen cerca de la superficie. Estas raíces tienen poca fuerza para aprovechar las reservas de agua incrustadas profundamente en el suelo. La forma más conveniente de regar las plantas es con agua del grifo, pero este es un método bastante costoso. Regar sus plantas con agua de lluvia recolectada es mucho más rentable y mejor para el medio ambiente. Sin mencionar que el agua de lluvia es excelente para las plantas sensibles, ya que no es ni demasiado fría ni demasiado calcárea.

If you have a small garden, simple rain barrels or old wine barrels placed underneath the rainwater pipe are great collection containers. Place a lid on these containers to avoid contamination and prevent the water from becoming a breeding ground for mosquitoes. It is also recommended to install a water overflow system, which allows extra water to run off via a downpipe in case of heavy rain. If you have a larger garden, an underground water cistern may be a better-suited solution. Keep in mind that leaving the water unused for extended periods will allow germs to colonize – whether the water was stored above or below ground.  

Regardless of your preferred water storage solution, modern garden pumps help you retrieve collected rainwater quietly and reliably according to your needs. If you are looking for a more precise water control system, connecting a water meter (AquaCount) directly to the pump is a great option. You can track water consumption levels per day, season, and schedule on the easy-to-read display. Or check the current water flow with a touch of a button. Using a water meter will help you develop a better understanding of when and where water is being used.  


GARDENA's Water Meter AquaCount

GARDENA’s completely revised AquaCount range offers extremely quiet pumps that can be operated and automated via Bluetooth. GARDENA products have efficient hydraulics, effectively keeping costs and noise levels lower than ever before. Use the GARDENA pump advisor to help you choose the right pump for your needs. 


GARDENA's pump range

Tips for clever watering


Add a layer of organic mulch (e.g. grass cuttings, leaves, or compost) between rows of vegetables and in flower beds filled with annual summer flowers to help retain the soil’s moisture levels. Organic mulch also supports the microorganisms living in the soil, which has a direct, positive influence on soil health. Keeping the soil healthy and moist ensures your plants will survive longer during periods of drought.


Loosen the soil’s surface regularly using a hoe to prevent water within the soil from evaporating.  


Utilize an automatic drip irrigation system to supply your plants with the water they need to thrive. 


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