olive tree
Realise your gardening dreams

The right summer care for olive trees

A menudo, los olivos nos hacen recordar las últimas vacaciones en el mar Mediterráneo. Clima templado, noches cálidas y un montón de sol son las necesidades del olivo. A primera vista, el clima del norte de Europa frío y húmedo no encaja con este árbol de hoja perenne. Pero si se tiene en cuenta algunos consejos, es posible que crezca este "árbol de vacaciones" en casa.

olives ready to eat

In general, olive trees are very undemanding in regards to care. Especially old trees impress by their high robustness. Nevertheless, some care measurements are required in order to enjoy your olive tree for a long time. The right care depends on whether you plant your olive tree into your garden or whether you leave it in a planting pot. If you are living in rather cold northern latitudes, we recommend planting the olive tree in a tub: This way, the tree is mobile and can spend the winter in a frost-free location. The olive tree will be grateful for this as especially young trees do not tolerate frost.

In summer you can put your olive tree in direct sunlight. It is a real sun worshipper. If you are living in the warm southern latitudes and have planted out your tree in the garden, you have to water your olive tree very seldom. Often the natural rain is sufficient because the roots go down into the dark depth of the soil where they are supplied with water. If your tree starts to lose leaves, this is a sign that it is thirsty. Often this sign is noticed at potted plants. Indeed, it might well be that you have to water your olive tree daily in summer. In any case, you have to avoid waterlogging – otherwise the fine roots might begin to rot.

olive trees in summer

When you plant your olive tree in the pot or in the garden, the soil should be sandy – that corresponds with the natural conditions. The size of the planting pot is also important. It should be at least as big as the crown of the tree. This way you can make sure that the roots have enough space to spread out.

The further south you live, the higher is the probability that your olive tree will bear fruits one day. Most of the olive tree species are able to pollinate themselves. However, special species are dependent on cross-pollination. That means another olive tree species should be located nearby to your olive tree. This way, the blossoms are then pollinated by the wind.

Did you know?

… that the olive tree is also called “The tree of health”?
… that olive trees can grow older than 1.000 years?
… that a fully grown olive tree is able to bear 40 kg up to 70 kg fruits every year?
… that the olive tree could also be cultivated as bonsai?

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