Cultive su jardín con el máximo cuidado

Gama de palas GARDENA en la tierra dentro de un jardín

ErgoLine - Perfect ergonomics

The ErgoLine range focus on a top ergonomic. With an extra-wide D handle, oval shaped handle and long plastic covering an ergonomically work is guaranteed.

Gama de palas GARDENA en la tierra dentro de una carretilla

NatureLine - Comfortable wooden handle

The NatureLine impresses with an FSC®-certified D ash wood handle. Exactly the right spades and fork for everyone who wants to work with wooden handles.

Una persona sujetando el mango de una pala GARDENA en un jardín

Wide D-handle

The extra-wide and ergonomically shaped D handle can be held with both hands comfortably at any point. This ensures extra force and more comfort.

Una persona cavando en la tierra con una pala GARDENA de cerca

Extra-large foot-rest

The extra-wide foot-rest with a special profile allows you to push the spade forcefully into the ground, and reduces the danger of injury due to unintentional slipping.

Un persona usando una pala de GARDENA en el jardín de cerca

Sharp Spade Blade

The sharp spade blade guarantee an easy penetration of the ground.

Un persona usando una pala de GARDENA en el jardín

Refreshing your soil

Soil cultivation with a spade is the first step after the winter. Further soil cultivation tools see the GARDENA combisystem – flexible, long-life combination tools for all gardening tasks.


Inspiración de jardín